The Fascinating History Of Corgis And The British Royal Family
Want to learn more about the history of royal Corgis? These dogs really were treated like kings and queens! Discover more in this article.
Discover articles that cover the common characteristics of corgis like energy levels, barking, shedding, diet, personality type, and more.
Want to learn more about the history of royal Corgis? These dogs really were treated like kings and queens! Discover more in this article.
Find out about the mental health-boosting benefits of owning a dog and how the love of a corgi saved my life at a time when I felt my lowest.
Corgis are stubborn, loyal, and some of the funniest dogs I know. Here are 10 funny corgi memes that sum them up perfectly.
If you are a fellow Corgi owner, you’re in for a treat! Here are 12 things only Corgi owners will understand… can you relate?
Corgis are funny little creatures. Here are 8 bizarre things Corgis love to do, including getting the zoomies and lying like a loaf of bread.
Find out where the corgi fairy saddle legend originated.
Nobody wants a yappy dog. If your corgi is barking to excess, try these 7 tips to put a stop to it.
Keep reading to find out all about the differences between fluffy and non-fluffy corgis.
Have you ever wondered whether corgis are born without tails? It’s a fair question! In this article we uncover the truth about the corgi butt.
Want to know exactly how much corgis shed? Keep reading to find out how much grooming they need (+ 5 tips to keep on top of shedding!).
Can corgis live with cats? Find out whether these two animals get along with each and what to do to ensure a great relationship.
Do corgis have sensitive tummies? Find out the truth in this article plus discover foods that can really help with digestive issues.
How do corgis show affection? Through cuddles, licks, nudges, or playtime? Keep reading to find out exactly how this breed shows love.
Why do corgis look like foxes? Are they related to them? Find out the truth once and for all in our latest article.
Want to meet the most famous corgis in the world from TV, film and online? Then today is your lucky day! Read on to discover the corgi stars.
Can corgis climb stairs? With stumpy legs and an unusually long body, it’s a fair question to ask! Keep reading to find out.
Looking for some inspiration for your next tattoo? Check out these 20 amazing corgi tattoos to inspire your next one!
You might’ve seen the viral videos and now you have to know: What are the corgi races? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know.
Where are a Royal Corgi Christmas filmed? That question, and many more, are answered in this Hallmark movie deep-dive!
Find out whether corgis make good hiking partners or not.
Do you want to know why corgis sleep on their backs? Find out the truth about this strange habit of theirs in our latest article.
Can corgis handle hot weather? Find out what temperatures do (and don’t) suit your chonky friend so they don’t suffer as the seasons change.
Why is my corgi so small, you’re wondering? Let’s take a look at how big corgis are supposed to be and why yours may be smaller than average.
How fast can corgis run? You might be surprised to learn just how fast these little dogs can move! Keep reading to find out more.
How much energy do corgis really have? Find out the truth about this small but energetic breed, and how much exercise they really require…
Stubby little legs are one of the reasons corgis are so cute. But why do they have short legs in the first place? Keep reading to find out.
If you’ve ever wondered whether corgis are lazy dogs and how much they really sleep, keep reading to find out the honest truth.
Do corgis smell? In this article we’ll explore just how smelly corgis are and whether you might need to reconsider adding one to your family.
Do corgis get along with other dogs? Find out the truth about just how sociable (or not) this dog breed is!
How many puppies do corgis have? Here’s everything you need to know about those cute little corgis and the size of a typical litter!