Want to know how to introduce your Corgi to your new baby? It’s important that you stay calm so your Corgi understands the baby is not a threat. And, that you introduce them in a gentle setting with plenty of praise or treats. Hire a dog walker if you need to, and don’t reduce the attention you give your pup where possible.
Bringing a new baby home is exciting and stressful all at once. You have a wonderful bundle of joy that you’ve brought into the world, but you also have the struggle of being a new parent. And let’s not forget that you’re battling constant exhaustion! If you have a Corgi waiting for you at home, this also means you have to introduce them to your baby.
It’s nerve-racking to do, but it will go pretty smoothly if you do things correctly. It’s important to introduce the new baby smells to the home and make sure you are very calm around your Corgi with your baby. This will help them understand it’s not a threat or associated with you feeling stressed in any way. It takes a while for everything to settle, but once it does, it’s wonderful.
Let me help you learn how to introduce your Corgi to your new baby.
Key Takeaways:
- Babies can be difficult for dogs because of the changes in routine
- Make your dog part of the pregnancy journey
- Ensure they have the new baby’s scent in the home before they arrive
- Make gradual changes to their routine
- Get them used to all the new sounds and experiences
- Stay calm, and don’t let them sense you’re stressed around the baby
Why Is A New Baby Difficult For Some Dogs?
A new baby often feels like a completely unexpected lifestyle change for a dog. It’s dramatic, and they don’t always understand it, which can lead to feelings of fear and confusion. It’s not unheard of for some dogs to become severely depressed to the point they stop eating and drinking if they are not properly eased into the situation.
Dogs are huge on routine, and your Corgi is exactly the same. They like to be confident that they know what’s coming. When things change too quickly it can cause them to become stressed and nervous. Babies mean loud sounds and unusual smells as well as more visitors than usual. All things that can stress out your fluffy friend.
Not every dog is going to struggle, but it is important to ease them in even if you think they’re going to make the transition smoothly. New babies are a learning curve for everyone. So it makes sense to make it as easy as possible for humans and Corgis alike. It’s not too much extra work, and it can save you so much stress in the long run.
If you’re enjoying this, you’ll like our guide on How To Introduce Your Corgi To A New Dog (With Tips From Owners Who’ve Done It!)
How To Prepare Before Your Baby Arrives
You need to start training them early so that they are used to any new boundaries you have with the baby’s room or belongings. If they aren’t allowed inside, you can train them to sit and wait at the door, just as you can train them to leave toys and furniture that don’t belong to them. This keeps them familiar and also ensures they are ready for the baby’s arrival.
This is also a good opportunity to get them used to the new sounds they will experience. You can play videos with baby sounds to help them become more familiar with cries and screams that might stress them out. This desensitizes them to the situation so that it becomes normal to them and part of their daily life. It might even help you.
Before you bring your new baby home, have someone bring a blanket that smells like them back to the house. This allows your dog to become familiar with the new scent. And since it is mixed with yours they will associate it with you. This will help them be more accepting of the new arrival when you bring them home.
How To Introduce Your Corgi To Your New Baby
Before you introduce your Corgi to your new baby, make sure they have been out for a good walk to help tire them out and make them feel calmer. You should also keep them on a leash for the first meeting. This will help them stay calm and also ensure you have control of them in case they become a little too excited about their new family member.
Remain calm at all times. Your Corgi can sense your emotions. If they feel that you’re becoming stressed with the baby around, they will associate your newborn with your stress. This can make them more nervous and agitated around them. A calm and positive demeanor will help everyone remain comfortable and happy throughout the introduction.
Let them sniff the new baby from a distance before they are allowed to approach, and make sure you don’t push your dog out. They need just as much attention as they usually get to avoid feeling jealous and help them understand that they are still part of the family. Petting your Corgi while holding your baby can help tighten the bond between them.
Treats and praise go a long way with making introductions better, and there is no need to be concerned if your Corgi seems a little stressed or confused in the beginning. Make sure you hire a dog walker to keep them exercised when you can’t, and taking the time to slowly change their routine before the baby comes home should help make this easier on them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Corgis Good With Newborns?
Corgis are very calm and friendly dogs despite being working dogs and having a lot of energy. They are gentle with newborns and tend to be very good with them. However, this will also depend on whether or not you take the time to introduce them properly and ensure everything is as relaxed and stress-free as possible.
Are Corgis Good With Children?
Corgis are great with children, and as your baby grows up they are sure to have a friend for life in your Corgi. However, they are herding dogs, which means they can be a little nippy when they are excited and playing. This means you might need to work on training them so that they don’t nip at your child’s ankles while they are playing.
Are Corgis Jealous of Babies?
Corgis are not naturally jealous dogs, but they can become jealous in the wrong environment. This is why it’s important to introduce them to a baby properly to reduce the risk of anything happening and your Corgi becoming jealous. Think of it this way – it’s the same as having a jealous older child when their new sibling comes home.
Final Thoughts
I hope that this guide has helped ease your mind and shown you new ways to introduce your Corgi to your new baby. It might feel a little tense at first, and you will have to be patient because nothing happens overnight, but after a few weeks, you will see things start to settle. It’s hard, especially when you’re tired, but it’s absolutely worth it.
There is no shame in hiring a dog walker to help keep your Corgi’s routine as stable as possible while you are looking after your new baby. It’s important to keep things consistent for everyone, and you need (and deserve) all the help you can get. You might even want to consider a dog trainer if you’re really struggling with the introduction period.